VShape Ultra is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to help you eliminate stubborn fat in different areas of the body. In addition to helping you lose stubborn fat, this procedure can also reduce your cellulite and tighten your skin at the same time. Since it’s non-surgical, there’s no downtime or recovery required. These amazing benefits are why VShape Ultra is rapidly becoming one of the… READ MORE»

A chemical peel uses a specialized chemical solution to exfoliate the skin and boost new cell growth. They come with a variety of benefits, including addressing skin discoloration, scars, and wrinkles. Although many patients can benefit from a single chemical peel, they work best as a package of treatments for ongoing benefits. Here’s what to know about the right chemical peel type for you. Chemical… READ MORE»

After any dramatic weight loss, there can be a lot of excess, sagging skin, and leftover fat. It can be frustrating to have these continued body issues after all your long, hard work. Fortunately, body contouring procedures can help to remove excess skin and fat from areas like the thighs, arms, abdomen, face, back, and neck. There are a few different procedures to address these… READ MORE»

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure designed to change the function and the appearance of your nose. Reports by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimate nearly 220,000 rhinoplasty surgeries are performed every year in the United States. The human nose is a complex structure that packs an abundance of blood vessels, nerves, cartilage, and tissue into a small area. Owing to the size… READ MORE»

Your eyes are the most expressive features of the face. The eyes can tell others whether you are happy, sad, angry, etc. With aging skin, the eyelids can start to droop, become heavy, and even become baggy. This can often lead people to think you are angry, sad, or just lead to an aged appearance. In some cases, the upper eyelids can droop over the… READ MORE»

Neurotoxins and dermal fillers are the top two most popular minimally invasive cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. These treatments are notably common because they are quick, cost-effective, and can treat various aging concerns. At the AESTHETIC CENTER AT WOODHOLME, our team offers numerous injectable treatments for patients like you that are looking for aesthetic improvement. What Are Injectable Treatments? Injectable treatments are cosmetic… READ MORE»

Even after sticking to healthy diets, engaging in regular exercises, and shedding the extra fat, many people still express dissatisfaction with the appearance of the excess fat and skin in their belly. This is one of the most common concerns patients have when they visit plastic surgeons. It’s normal to have some frustration after noticing that you’re not getting a flat, toned tummy even after… READ MORE»

Choosing to undergo elective surgery is not an easy decision. There are many factors at play. Do you need the surgery? Do you have time to get the surgery and recover properly? What is the recovery like? And many more. One of the most popular cosmetic surgeries done each year is breast augmentation. Women get this surgery for its many benefits. Breast augmentation can improve… READ MORE»

A Brazilian butt lift is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available. Without using implants, the buttocks are augmented to achieve a natural look. This particular treatment for augmentation is designed to be undetectable. What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift? A Brazilian buttock lift is performed by a trained professional cosmetic surgeon. By transferring fat from one area of the body to the buttocks,… READ MORE»

Rhinoplasty is a surgery performed on the nose to improve its function or alter its shape. Often referred to as a nose job, rhinoplasty can be done for cosmetic reasons, such as to change the nasal appearance and shape. It can also be employed for purposes such as correcting disfigurement resulting from congenital problems or trauma and fixing breathing problems related to the nose. Rhinoplasty… READ MORE»