The Ins and Outs of Breast Augmentation - Aesthetic Center at Woodholme

The Ins and Outs of Breast Augmentation

Choosing to undergo elective surgery is not an easy decision. There are many factors at play. Do you need the surgery? Do you have time to get the surgery and recover properly? What is the recovery like? And many more. One of the most popular cosmetic surgeries done each year is breast augmentation.

Women get this surgery for its many benefits. Breast augmentation can improve upon various concerns such as small breasts, breast asymmetry, volume loss after childbirth, volume loss after weight loss, and volume loss due to aging. Unfortunately, breasts can change drastically during your lifetime. If you are ready to look into breast augmentation in Baltimore, look to our team of expert plastic surgeons at the AESTHETIC CENTER AT WOODHOLME.

What is Breast Augmentation?

BREAST AUGMENTATION is a cosmetic surgery procedure that improves the shape, size, and contours of the breast using an implant or by transferring your fat. This surgery provides long-lasting results that are customized to you so that you get the best results. Breast augmentation or breast enlargement helps women feel more confident in themselves and fit their clothes better. Board-certified plastic surgeon DR. BROWN performs breast augmentation at our center and helps his patients feel comfortable and confident in the procedure from preparation steps to recovery.

What Are Your Options for Breast Augmentation?

There are two different ways that your breast augmentation procedure can be done, with implants or with a fat transfer. Dr. Brown will go over both options with you to find the one that works best for your body type and desired results.

Breast Augmentation with Implants

If you choose to go with implants, you will need to decide about the size and type of implant. Breast implants are made of either saline or silicone gel. Saline implants can be filled after insertion, so they can be placed through a slightly smaller incision, however, they are less natural feeling. Silicone implants are softer and more natural-feeling, as well as less prone to rippling. Some women prefer silicone breast implants for their natural feel while others enjoy the safety of saline breast implants in case of an implant leak.

Both these types of implants can come in different sizes. Dr. Brown will work with you to find the right-sized implant for you. Implants can be inserted either directly beneath the natural breast tissue, under the pectoral muscle, or partially under the pectoral muscle. This will depend on how much breast tissue you naturally have and how big the size of the breast implant you are using.

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

This procedure uses your fat cells for enhancement. The fat cells are obtained from a donor area on your body using liposuction. Then they are processed and purified before being placed in the breasts to enhance the size, shape, and contour. This procedure is great for women who want a natural augmentation. It is ideal if you do not want a major change in the breasts.

Breast Augmentation with Lift

A breast lift is commonly performed with breast augmentation surgery, especially after pregnancy and breastfeeding. While breast augmentation improves the size of the breasts, a breast lift restores their rounded shape and eliminates the look of sagging breasts.

What Does The Recovery Period Look Like?

Each patient experiences breast augmentation recovery differently. It is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Most patients are back to normal activities within a week. During this time, you should rest and avoid certain movements that involve the chest muscles. You will need to avoid strenuous movement and exercise for several weeks until cleared by Dr. Brown.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in Maryland breast augmentation, contact our office to learn more. You can schedule a consultation with DR. EMILE BROWN to discuss all your options in greater detail. He is a Baltimore native and loves serving patients at the AESTHETIC CENTER AT WOODHOLME.

Dr. Ira D. Papel is certified in Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Papel earned his B.A. from Johns Hopkins University and his M.D. from Boston University of Medicine. He completed a residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and a fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Papel is considered an international expert in rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, and facial aesthetic surgery.


