Skin Cancer Treatment & Reconstruction
in Baltimore, MD
The most commonly treated skin cancers in our practice are basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. Most often, these skin cancers can be removed and repaired with little discomfort and down-time. Melanoma skin cancers are more serious types of skin cancer, and we also provide surgical care to these patients.
How is Skin Cancer Treated?
After a careful visual exam, your doctor will perform a biopsy, which involves removing a small amount of tissue to be examined under a microscope to confirm whether or not the cells are cancerous. Once you have a skin cancer diagnosis, the cancerous tissue is completely removed using excision, which involves carefully cutting the basal and squamous cell carcinomas away with a surgical blade, or referring you for Mohs surgery. Mohs surgery is commonly used when skin cancer is found on the lip, ear, or nose as this method allows for the preservation of as much healthy tissue as possible. Radiation therapy or photodynamic therapy may kill cancer cells however, skin cancer treatment with surgery will remove cancer cells.
What is Skin Cancer Reconstruction?
Skin cancer reconstruction is the process by which your doctor will repair the skin after removing cancerous cells. A plastic surgeon understands advanced techniques which minimize scarring after surgery, which can be utilized following skin cancer excision or Mohs surgery. This is especially important after removing skin cancer from the face, where scarring would be particularly noticeable. Typically, your plastic surgeon will work alongside a dermatologist to ensure the best possible results, both medical and cosmetic.
What Can I Expect from a Skin Cancer Reconstruction Procedure?
Skin cancer reconstruction consists of using sutures to close the wound after skin cancer cells have been removed. Your plastic surgeon will analyze the natural contours of your face to determine where scarring will be the least visible. Carefully placing incisions within a natural contour allows your surgeon to camouflage any resulting scar from the procedure. Your surgeon may also suggest grafting tissue from another part of the face or neck to further disguise the scar.
Skin cancer reconstruction may occur several days after your skin cancer treatment procedure. If this is the case, your surgeon will give you specific instructions regarding caring for the wound before your appointment.
The skin cancer reconstruction procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia.
What is Skin Cancer Reconstruction Recovery Like?
After skin cancer reconstruction, you may notice some swelling, redness, or bruising in the area. You may also feel some slight discomfort, which can usually be managed with Tylenol (acetaminophen). It may take several weeks to months for the skin to heal fully, and your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions regarding wound care and scar management during this time.
Schedule a Consultation
To schedule a consultation at the Aesthetic Center at Woodholme, call our Baltimore, MD office at (410) 415-9229 or request your appointment through our online form.