Having a protruding abdomen can cause people to feel self-conscious. While consistent diet and exercise might help you get rid of some of this weight, a quicker method of getting rid of the loose, hanging skin and fat is by undergoing a tummy tuck. This is not meant to be a weight-loss method but will help contour your abdomen when the excess skin and fat refuse to be removed even with a healthy diet and exercise. This plastic surgery procedure is safe and can provide you with fantastic results.
What Is Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Tummy tucks are designed to remove excess fat and loose skin around the abdomen. This surgery can also help to strengthen some of the muscles that have become weak around the abdomen, which will allow you to obtain an abdomen that’s firmer and smoother. The most common causes of experiencing a protruding abdomen with sagging skin include aging, pregnancy, past surgery, and significant weight loss.
Keep in mind that a TUMMY TUCK surgery won’t be able to provide you with permanent results unless you work well to maintain your new look and weight. If you’re planning a future pregnancy, you might want to reconsider the tummy tuck surgery until after you are done having children. Another pregnancy can alter the results of the tummy tuck. Otherwise, this procedure will be able to help you obtain the ideal abdominal appearance.
What Does the Tummy Tuck Surgical Procedure Entail?
Tummy tuck procedures are performed with the provision of anesthesia, which could be either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Once you’ve been sedated, an incision will be made in the lower bikini line. The exact length and shape of the incision depend mostly on how much sagging abdominal skin needs to be removed. A mini tummy tuck can also be considered for minimal amounts of sagging skin below the belly button.
After the incisions have been made, the skin will be lifted and the weak abdominal muscles will be repaired. The upper abdominal skin will be pulled downwards before any extra skin is properly trimmed. If stretch marks are present on the excised skin, these will also be removed. Next, a new opening will be created for the belly button on the lifted skin. The belly button will then be brought to the surface before being sutured into the correct position. Once all of the appropriate corrections have been made, the incisions will be closed with dissolving sutures. The tummy tuck procedure typically lasts for a period of 3-4 hours, depending on how much additional liposuction is being done at the same time.
Tummy Tuck Surgery Recovery Process
Tummy tuck recovery requires about two weeks of downtime. A compression garment will be applied around your abdomen to ensure swelling is kept to a minimum and that the abdomen heals properly. Your surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions on how to properly care for the treatment site, which can include everything from taking the right medications to replacing your bandages on a regular basis.
You should be able to stand correctly without experiencing any pain around the abdomen after a week or two. Since fat and skin have been removed with this surgery, the results will be immediate. Keep in mind that scarring around the incisions can take anywhere from 6-12 months to fade.
Now that you know what a TUMMY TUCK in Baltimore entails, you can be confident about SCHEDULING A CONSULTATION with board-certified plastic surgeon DR. EMILE BROWN.
Dr. Ira D. Papel is certified in Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Papel earned his B.A. from Johns Hopkins University and his M.D. from Boston University of Medicine. He completed a residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and a fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Papel is considered an international expert in rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, and facial aesthetic surgery.